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Salt & Light Vision

A place where you belong

We want to see our rainbow nation come alive through educating the heart and the mind.

We want to see every child develop into his or her unique God-given calling and giftedness.

Every child should taste the light and see that God is good.

It is our passion to serve and steward God's masterpieces in the best possible way.


"Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all."



To create a platform for our young generation to develop and grow their identity. We accompany them with trustworthy people who guide and facilitate them in a safe environment.

To equip and train their parents to understand that they as parents, are their child's first curriculum. Through training programmes and mentorship, parents will feel equipped to be involved in their child's education and future.

To partner with local schools to expose children to different sports activities.

To raise awareness of environmental sustainability and responsibility by growing food and developing entrepreneurial skills.

To nurture and encourage our learners to explore and develop - without fear of failure!





We value family as God created the family as its first institution. Family is the cornerstone and foundation of a healthy society. Home should be the most attractive place in the world.



Raising awareness on the importance of health will contribute to less learning problems and disabilities.


Grit and resilience

Grit and resilience can be learned when a child is exposed to the right kind of training, experiences and practice.



Vulnerability is the birthplace of every emotion that we can experience. If a child's vulnerability is protected, they will find it easy to show up and be seen.


Whole person

We value the entirety of what makes you YOU! 

We invest in character training and emotional, intellectual, and spiritual wholeness.


Heart of the child

Aristotle said it right - educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all. True belonging is a spiritual practice. It is the ability to find sacredness in being a part of something and the courage to stand alone


Raw material

We value and acknowledge the raw material that God gave us. If we do not nurture it, it is a waste. Industrial processing generates huge amounts of waste that cause disengagement and low self-esteem.

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